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匹配条件: “Antonieta Flores” ,找到相关结果约6153条。
Alteraciones en la Erupción de Caninos Permanentes
Pérez Flores,María Antonieta; Pérez Flores,Pablo; Fierro Monti,Claudia;
International Journal of Morphology , 2009, DOI: 10.4067/S0717-95022009000100025
Abstract: this study describes the alterations in the eruption of the permanent canines, etiology, early diagnosis and therapeutic possibilities. the canine one gathers all the problems of space that can exist in the arches and is frequent the eruption in a high zone. the inclusion of the canine has a complex etiology, favored by evolutionary, anatomical and mechanical factors. the mandibular impaction is less frequent and its incidence is described less like twenty times than the impaction of the maxilar canine one. the ectopic eruption of maxillary canines can be associated to the reabsorbing by the roots of the adjacent incisors. from 8 to 10 years begins to be noticed the prominence of the canine in the bottom of vestibule the most used radiographies methods are the panoramic x-ray, oclusals and periapicals with techniques of vertical tube and other angles. at the present time it is helpful the computed tomography. the term "early treatment" implies a therapeutic action in early stages of development, when the pathology can be intercepted or stopped, and the most used are exodontias of temporary canines and serial extraction. in conclusion, the canine alterations of the eruption of permanent involve knowledge of the normality parameters, chronology and sequence, along with the development of complementary tests, to carry out an early and pertinent evaluation and to avoid the complications derived from an impacted tooth.
Alteraciones en la Erupción de Caninos Permanentes Canine Permanent Eruption Alterations
María Antonieta Pérez Flores,Pablo Pérez Flores,Claudia Fierro Monti
International Journal of Morphology , 2009,
Abstract: En este trabajo son descritas alteraciones en la erupción de los caninos permanentes, su etiología, diagnóstico temprano y posibilidades terapéuticas. El canino recoge todos los problemas de espacio que puedan existir en la arcada y es frecuente la erupción en una zona alta. La inclusión de los caninos tiene una etiología compleja, favorecida por factores evolutivos, anatómicos y mecánicos. La impactación mandibular es menos frecuente y su incidencia se describe como veinte veces menos que la impactación del canino maxilar. La erupción ectópica de los caninos maxilares puede estar asociada a la reabsorción de las raíces de los incisivos adyacentes. A la edad de 8 a 10 a os empieza a palparse la prominencia del canino en el fondo del vestíbulo. Los métodos radiográficos más utilizados son las radiografías panorámica, oclusal y periapical, con técnicas de tubo vertical y otras angulaciones. En la actualidad, es de gran ayuda la tomografía computarizada. El término tratamiento temprano implica una terapéutica en estadios precoces de desarrollo, cuando la patología puede ser interceptada o detenida y los tratamientos más utilizados son exodoncia de caninos temporales y extracción seriada. En conclusión, las alteraciones en la erupción de caninos permanentes requiere conocimiento de los parámetros de normalidad, cronología y secuencia, junto a la aplicación de pruebas complementarias, para poder efectuar una evaluación temprana y pertinente y evitar las complicaciones derivadas de un diente impactado. This study describes the alterations in the eruption of the permanent canines, etiology, early diagnosis and therapeutic possibilities. The canine one gathers all the problems of space that can exist in the arches and is frequent the eruption in a high zone. The inclusion of the canine has a complex etiology, favored by evolutionary, anatomical and mechanical factors. The mandibular impaction is less frequent and its incidence is described less like twenty times than the impaction of the maxilar canine one. The ectopic eruption of maxillary canines can be associated to the reabsorbing by the roots of the adjacent incisors. From 8 to 10 years begins to be noticed the prominence of the canine in the bottom of vestibule The most used radiographies methods are the panoramic x-ray, oclusals and periapicals with techniques of vertical tube and other angles. At the present time it is helpful the computed tomography. The term "early treatment" implies a therapeutic action in early stages of development, when the pathology can be intercepted or stopped, and the most use
La autoeficacia docente para la resolución de conflictos entre profesores
Castro-Carrasco,Pablo Javier; Porra,Carla; Flores,Antonieta; Narea,Marigen; Lagos,Amalia;
Educación y Educadores , 2012,
Abstract: objective: the purpose of this study was to describe and interpret the process whereby beliefs about self-effectiveness for conflict resolution are created and change in a group of novice teachers during their first year of professional practice at private and state-supported schools in the communities of la serena and coquimbo (chile). method: a qualitative approach was used, through the application of three episodic interviews involving four participants, for a total of 12 interviews, in addition to a log to record conflictive episodes in the school context. results: the study underscored the importance of the impact of the "reality shock" experienced by the four teachers, the value placed on motivational process, and the significance of social persuasion or professional socialization in incorporating new teachers into the profession.
Estado de Salud Bucal en Preescolares con Sobrepeso de Concepción, Chile
Bravo Rivera,Lorena; Torres Chianale,Francisca; Fierro Monti,Claudia; Pérez Flores,María Antonieta;
International journal of odontostomatology , 2010, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-381X2010000300009
Abstract: obesity is a public health problem in chile nowadays. excess malnutrition includes children that are overweight and obese. there is a causal relationship between refined carbohydrate consumption and cavities. we propose that excess malnutrition could be an indicator for cavities. the purpose of this study was to evaluate oral health in preschool children with excess malnutition diagnosis, determining ceo indexes and oral hygene, gender, and analyzing frecuency of tooth brushing and diet. data from 20 children from cesfam víctor manuel fernández in concepción, chile were collected. oral examination was performend on all children, with plaque revelation, diet survey and registration of tooth brushing frequency. statistic analysis was done by the u de mann-witney non parametric test. ceo index was 2.67 (sd±1.87) for boys, and 5,1 (sd±2.64) for girls, showing significant statistic difference in oral hygiene index, dietary habits and tooth brushing frequency showed no significant differences between groups.
La autoeficacia docente para la resolución de conflictos entre profesores A autoeficácia docente para a resolu o de conflitos entre professores Self-effectiveness for Resolving Conflicts among Teachers
Pablo Javier Castro-Carrasco,Carla Porra,Antonieta Flores,Marigen Narea
Educación y Educadores , 2012,
Abstract: Objetivo: describir e interpretar el proceso de construcción y cambio de las creencias de auto eficacia en la resolución de conflictos de un grupo de docentes nóveles de colegios particulares y subvencionados de las comunas de La Serena y Coquimbo, Chile, en su primer a o de inserción profesional. Método: cualitativo, mediante la aplicación de tres entrevistas episódicas a cuatro participantes, para un total de 12 entrevistas, además, una bitácora para el registro de episodios de conflictos en el contexto escolar. Resultados: se destaca la importancia del impacto generado a través del conocido fenómeno de "choque con la realidad" en los cuatro docentes, el valor otorgado a los procesos motivacionales y la significación de la persuasión social o socialización profesional en la inserción de los profesores. Objetivo: descrever e interpretar o processo de constru o e mudan a das cren as de autoeficácia na resolu o de conflitos de um grupo de docentes principiantes de colégios particulares e subsidiados das comunidades de La Serena e Coquimbo, Chile, em seu primeiro ano de inser o profissional. Método: qualitativo, mediante a aplica o de três entrevistas episódicas a quatro participantes, para um total de 12 entrevistas; além disso, um guia para o registro de episódios de conflitos no contexto escolar. Resultados: destaca-se a importancia do impacto gerado pelo conhecido fen meno de "choque com a realidade" nos quatro docentes, o valor outorgado aos processos motivacionais e a significa o da persuas o social ou socializa o profissional na inser o dos professores. Objective: The purpose of this study was to describe and interpret the process whereby beliefs about self-effectiveness for conflict resolution are created and change in a group of novice teachers during their first year of professional practice at private and state-supported schools in the communities of La Serena and Coquimbo (Chile). Method: A qualitative approach was used, through the application of three episodic interviews involving four participants, for a total of 12 interviews, in addition to a log to record conflictive episodes in the school context. Results: The study underscored the importance of the impact of the "reality shock" experienced by the four teachers, the value placed on motivational process, and the significance of social persuasion or professional socialization in incorporating new teachers into the profession.
Soil and Leaf Micronutrient Composition in Contrasting Habitats in Podzolized Sands of the Amazon Region  [PDF]
María Antonieta Sobrado
American Journal of Plant Sciences (AJPS) , 2013, DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2013.410235

Plant macronutrient distribution in podzolized sands of the Amazon caatinga has received attention in several studies; however, the distribution of micronutrients has not been assessed. Soil micronutrient availability has been hypothesized to reflect contrasting habitat characteristics as well as fundamental differences in substrate, and leaf micronutrient composition may reflect the macronutrient content needed to maintain balance for leaf cell functions. In this study, soil and leaf samples were obtained in a toposequence (valley, slope, and mound). Available soil micro- and macronutrients as well as total leaf content were measured by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometer and mass spectroscopy. Soil Zn (<1.41 mg·kg-1) and B (<0.31 mg·kg-1) as well as Cu (<1.33 mg·kg-1) levels were very low. Soil Mn was low in the valleys and slopes (0.62-0.87 mg·kg-1), but higher in the mound (6.59 mg·kg-1). Soil Fe (11.48-21.13 mg·kg-1) was well above the critical level in all of

Anchos Mesiodistales de Dentición Temporal en Ni?os de la Ciudad de Concepción, Chile y su Correlación con el Tama?o de Coronas Metálicas Preformadas de Stock
Torres Chianale,María Francisa; Bravo Rivera,Lucía Lorena; Fierro Monti,Claudia; Pérez Flores,María Antonieta;
International journal of odontostomatology , 2010, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-381X2010000100009
Abstract: metallic preformed steel crowns are the best treatment choice to restaurate extense cavities in temporary molars. to achieve optimal results it is necessary to know the mesiodistal width of the temporary teeth involved. we currently use other population’s data regarding mesiodistal width, and since we believe there could be significant variations in between populations we decided to study mesiodistal width in our patients. the purpose of this investigation was to determine mesiodistal widths of healthy temporary molars in chilean children. sexual dimorphism, interarch symmetry and with the contralateral tooth, and comparison with the standard preformed steel crown were analyzed. this is a descriptive odonthometric study. 34 children (17 male, 17 female) assisting to the pediatric clinic were selected. mesiodistal widths were assessed with an orthodontic caliper on a plaster model obtained from each patient. simultaneously, preformed steel crown mesiodistal widths were measured. results and conclusions: there were no statistically significant differences between right and left teeth’s mesiodistal width, nor between genders. the mean mesiodistal width of temporary molars corresponds with only one size of preformed steel crown, except on 5.5 and 8.5. in these teeth the width corresponds with two sizes of the preformed steel crown.
Maltrato Infantil: Actitud y Conocimiento de Odontólogos en Concepción, Chile
Fierro Monti,Claudia; Salazar Salazar,Engel; Ruiz Salazar,Lucía; Luengo Machuca,Luis; Pérez Flores,Antonieta;
International journal of odontostomatology , 2012, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-381X2012000100015
Abstract: child abuse (ca) is considered to be a global public health problem, it manifests in all countries and in all social and religious groups. the role of dentists specialized in children involves a close and frequent relationship providing privileged circumstances for the detection of ca. the purpose of our study is to describe dentist attitudes and awareness concerning ca at nine health care centers in concepción, chile. a quantitative, descriptive and transversal exploratory analysis was performed by implementing a survey that collected demographic data, awareness, attitudes, suspicions and accusations of ca. the population size of the study consisted of 53 dentists. chi square and wilcoxon (mann-whitney u) were used as statistical tests. largely, awareness was satisfactory. the variables of sex and awareness were significantly higher in women (p =0.0326). however, no differences were found among sex and attitudes. the information received by the dentists during their training, and the number of years of work experience did not correlate with awareness. the undergraduate training of the dentists did not provide any information on ca. this emphasizes the need to incorporate or reinforce the aspect of ca in undergraduate courses taught at the faculties of dentistry in concepción, chile.
Dientes Natales, Revisión Bibliográfica y Caso Clínico
Fierro Monti,Claudia; Bravo Rivera,Lorena; Torres Chianale,Francisca; álvarez Helle,Camila; Pérez Flores,Ma Antonieta;
International journal of odontostomatology , 2010, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-381X2010000200001
Abstract: natal and neonatal teeth should be evaluated carefully, considering their mobility, integrity and the presence of an ulcer (riga fede) on the ventral surface of the tongue caused by his brush with the tooth. natal teeth may resemble normal primary dentition in size and shape, however, may also smaller, conical, with hypoplasic enamel and dentin, with little development or absence from their roots. most of these teeth are not temporary and does not require removal in all cases. it is essential periodic monitoring of a pediatric dentist. this article presents a case report and review the epidemiology, etiology, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis and the management of natal teeth.
Avalia??o das propriedades físicas e funcionais dos dispositivos de insufla??o de cateteres de angioplastia submetidos a processo para reutiliza??o
Casco, Márcia Flores de;Moraes, Maria Antonieta;Souza, Emiliane Nogueira de;Raudales, José Casco;Rabelo, Eneida Rejane;
Revista Brasileira de Cardiologia Invasiva , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S2179-83972009000200016
Abstract: background: reuse of dental and medical devices is a worldwide common practice, and our country is not an exception; its aim is to reduce procedural costs. ptca insufflation devices (or manometers) are frequently re-sterilized for clinical reuse purposes. evaluations of their physical and mechanical properties are not described in current literature. objective: determine if the physical and functional characteristics of insufflation devices are maintained after reuse processing, as well as establish their life span. methods: this was a prospective longitudinal study, carried out at university hospital in porto alegre, rs, brazil. from november 2007 to march 2008, all new insufflation devices were included and separated in two different groups: group a devices were evaluated immediately after their first use and group b devices were evaluated after subsequent uses. results: of the 36 devices, 11 (30.6%) were discarded after the first use due to severe mechanical or functional problems. of the remaining devices, only 8 (32%) in group a and 6 (24%) in group b kept totally preserved functionality. these devices presented significant changes, even though they were mild, in measurements after 12 atm. mean reuse rate was 1.7 ± 1.2 times. conclusions: results showed that about 30% of ptca insufflation devices were not in working conditions after the first use. only a quarter of the remaining devices maintained intact functional characteristics to the end of their life span.

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